Monday, September 21, 2009

Parent Alienation Syndrome - The Twisted and Perverted Tale

Dr. Richard Allen Gardner, MD
Born April 28th, 1931 - Died May 25th, 2003

Dr. Gardner was a psychiatrist who pushed his junk science theory Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), to explain away why children during a contested custody case accuse a parent of abuse or sexual molestation. Dr. Gardner testified in well over 400 child custody cases as an expert witness, reporting that children who suffered PAS was brainwashed by the exposure of a vidictive parent's (mostly mothers) onslaught of bad mouthing the other parent without reason or justification.

Dr. Gardner's PAS theory is biased against mothers. His theory claims that a protective mother has a "pathological disease" that causes her to go into unwarented hysteria when she feels the threat of losing her children during a contested custody hearing. Thus, she will manipulate her child/ren to be co-partners with her, to lie about allegations of abuse and/or sexual molestation from the accused father. His theory also claims that the mother's hysterical response to her child/ren's real reports of abuse and/or sexual molestation done by the abusive father, must be "treated" by a mental health professional, to help her understand that abuse and sexual molestation as she knows it, is globally deemed as normal and healthy and accept it as such. Thus, her child/ren will also learn to accept abuse and sexual molestation as health and normal through her example.

Dr. Gardner's opinion is, if a mother refuses to accept abuse and sexual molestation as health and normal, that she should be considered a danger to her child/ren pychologically, because the child/ren will always feel a false sense of being victims of their father and that the natural bond between them and their father will be damaged. What's Dr. Gardner's fix all for this? That the courts deem this protective mother as an un-cooperative parent, place the child/ren in the full custody of the abusive father, giving her limited or no access to her child/ren depending on the severity of the so called, Parent Alienation Syndrome. In other words she basically being told, "Bitch, know your role! Shut up and put up or you are going to get punished!"

Dr. Gardner's, Parent Alienation Syndrome theory has been outright opposed by mental health and child abuse professionals, along with anti-PAS lawyers and anti-PAS judges. PAS never has had proper scientific research to base it's theory on and be named a "syndrome". Both the American Pyschiatric Association and American Medical Association has never accepted PAS as a "syndrome". Basically, it's a theory developed by a mentally twisted man, that is biased against protective mothers and is used against them as a weapon by evil and money greedy lawyers to demolish the mother's credibility in court, during the custody hearing.

Dr. Gardner's died in his home at the age of 72. The cause of death is suicide. He was too much of a coward, to stand up to the plate and confess his lies to the world. In doing so, he would have had to take responsibility for the pain and sufferage that mothers and children have suffered because of his "junk science". He didn't want to do that apparently. Imagine all the legal trouble he would have had to deal with if he had lived. Dr. Gardner even lied about his status at Columbia University as being a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry in the department of Child and Adolescent Pyschiatry. He was only a unpaid volunteer at this university.

It's just too bad that this twisted perverted woman hating bastard didn't kill himself long before his theory had the chance to create so much damage to so many abused mothers and children. It would have been so kind of him, if he had.

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