Monday, September 21, 2009

Profile Of An Abuser

There are many hallmark traits of an abuser. The following is a list of the traits. It is important to remember that abusers come from all social backgrounds, exist in all professions and are amongst all economic levels of society.

1. Has a poor self-esteem.
2. Has both nice and evil personality.
3. Expresses inappropriate levels of jealousy.
4. Isolates victim from family and friends.
5. Strong desires for victim to stop working outside the home.
6. Has constant social problems with others.
7. May have past and/or current legal problems.
8. No reason for impulsive displays of rage.
9. Does not take responsibility for own bad behavior and blames partner or others for bad behavior.
10. Verbal and physical assaults, demeans others with insults, criticisms, and/or lies.
11. Either denies, minimizes or justifies the abuse.
12. Feels entitled to every good thing in life.
13. Will do anything to manipulate victim to think abuser is sorry, feels remorse and will change. Yet, returns to same pattern of abuse.
14. Will use children no matter how in order to get partner under control.
15. Comes from a family where there was a pattern of violence and control.

Does you partner exhibit these traits? If so, you need to seek help to break the cycle of abuse for your own sake. Especially for the sake of the children, if you have any!

Break The Silence!

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