Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What A Corrupted Web The System Weaves

Out of all the cases where a battered mother alleges abuse towards her and/or her or alleges that her children are being molested during a custody hearing, 70 percent resulted in unsupervised visitation or shared custody with the alleged abuser/sexual molester. And, 20 percent of cases of these cases, the mother lost custody completely. And, many mothers who lose total custody risk getting supervised or no visitation rights if she dares to call Child Protective Services and alleges that the father is abusing or molesting the children.

That is grossly staggering statistics and it's time that CPS, Guardian Ad Litems, and Judges start putting the safety and well being of a child priority over their personal interests. What personal interest might you ask? I would be glad to share. That green stuff that fills their fat wallets.

What makes me so angry is that there is this money making scam by the system. They are ignoring the horror of abuse and sexual molestation Washington state's children are going through, because they know as long as these children remain abused and sexually molested, they get kick backs handed down to them from Federal funding, for the programs that are desinged to help get these kids out of their horror.

From where I come from, this is CHILD TRAFFICKING. Offer the child a bare minimum of it's rightfully due service for protection, send them back into the abusive situation again, then the child's back into the system receiving services again, and the cycle is repeated.

Talk about a secure income!

But, wait...there's more. There's the good ole court appointed psychologists and psychiatrists that get involved in matters where the protective mother expresses natural and healthy anxiety over her children going back into the hands of their abuser. She is immediately ordered to get a psychological evaluation...and of court the court ordered head shrinks are going to say she's mentally unstable and lying. This benefits all in this corrupted system...they must declare Mom a lying crazy woman so that she is held back from exercising her right to protect her children. After all, they can't lose the abused and sexually molested children to the protective mother, that would destroy their ability to maintain their secure income.

How pathetically sick! So, the heads of abused and sexually molested children have a price tag attached to it by the corrupted system that uses them for financial security, instead of a tag that says, "Priceless treasure, handle with absolute care!"

I'm also angry for the fact that the corrupt and evil people in this system knows what they are doing and they know we the people have figured it out, and they keep trafficking the children over and over again. Why? I'll tell you why. It's because not everyone, who sees and knows of this corruption have taken up the shield and sword as mighty warriors, got in the faces of these doers of corruption and relentlessly fight them until they relent. It takes more than a few people here and there. It takes ALL of us.

You're a part of the problem, if you are not a part of the solution.

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